Seafloor Mapping History Relevant Publications

Al Hine, PhD – Publications

Mullins, H. T. Gardulski, A. C., and Hine, A. C., 1986, Catastrophic collapse of the West Florida carbonate platform margin:  Geology, v. 14, p. 167-170.

Hine, A. C., Evans, M. W., Davis, R. A., and Belknap, D. F., 1987, Depositional response to seagrass mortality along a low-energy, barrier-island coast:  West-central Florida:  Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 57, p. 431-439.

Newton, C. R., Mullins, H. T., Gardulski, A. C., Hine, A. C., and Dix, G. R., 1987, Coral mounds on the West Florida Slope:  Unanswered questions regarding the development of deep-water banks:  Palaios, v. 2, p. 359-367.

Mullins, H. T., Gardulski, A. F., Hinchey, E. J., and Hine, A. C., 1988, The modern carbonate ramp slope of central west Florida:  Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 58, p. 273-290.

Snyder, S. W., Evans, M. W., Hine, A. C., and Compton, J. S., 1989, Seismic expression of solution collapse features from the Florida Platform in Beck, B. F., ed., Engineering and environmental impacts of sinkholes and karst:  Rotterdam, A. A. Balkema, p. 182-298.1977.

Evans, M.W., and Hine, A.C., 1991, Late Neogene sequence stratigraphy of a carbonate-siliciclastic transition: southwest Florida: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 103, p. 679-699.

Lidz, B. H., Hine, A. C., Shinn, E. A., and Kindinger, J. L., 1991, Multiple outer-reef tracts along the south Florida bank margin: Outlier reefs, a new windward model:  Geology, v. 19, p. 115-118.

Shinn, E.A., Lidz, B.H., and Hine, A.C., 1991, Coastal evolution and sea-level history: Florida Keys: Coastal Depositional Systems of the Gulf of Mexico; Gulf Coast Section of Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, p. 237-239.

Locker, S.D., Hine, A.C., Tedesco, L.P., and Shinn, E.A., 1996, Magnitude and timing of episodic sea-level rise during the last deglaciation: Geology, v. 24, p. 827-830.

Hine, A.C., 1997, Structural, stratigraphic, paleoceanographic development of the margins of the Florida Platform, in, Randazzo, A.F., and Jones, D.S., eds., Geology of Florida, University of Florida Press, Gainesville, FL. 

Shinn, E.A., Reich, C.D., Locker, S.D., and Hine, A.C., 1996, A giant sediment trap in the Florida Keys: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 12, p. 953-959.

Lidz, B. H., Shinn, E.A., Hine, A.C., and Locker, S.D., 1997, Contrasts within an outlier-reef system: evidence for differential Quaternary evolution, south Florida: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 13, p. 711-731.

Mallinson, D., Locker, S.D., Hafen, M., Naar, D., Hine, A.C., Lavoie, D. and Schock, S., 1997, A high-resolution geological and geophysical investigation of the Dry Tortugas carbonate depositional environment: Geo-Marine Letters, p. 237-245.

Mallinson, D., Naar, D., Hine, A.C., and 8 others, 1997, Acoustic seafloor mapping using the AUV Ocean Explorer: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology, Autonomous Undersea Systems Institute, p. 339-352.

Mallinson, D., Naar, D., Hine, A., Smith, S., Schock, S., Wilson, D., and Gelfenbaum, G., 1999, Seafloor mapping and target identification using AUVs:  Applied AUV experiments: in Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology: Autonomous Undersea Systems Institute, p. 257-269.  

Hine, A.C., Brooks, G.R., Davis, R.A., Jr., Doyle, L.J., Gelfenbaum, G., Locker, S.D., Twichell, D.C., and Weisberg, R., 2001, A summary of findings of the west-central Florida coastal studies project: USGS Open File Report 01-103.

Mallinson, D. Hine, A.C., Hallock, P., Locker, S.D., Shinn, E.A., Naar, D.F., Donahue, B., and Weaver, D., 2003, Development of small carbonate banks on the south Florida platform margin: response to sea level and climate change: Marine Geology, v. 199, p. 45-63. {R}

Wright, E.E., Hine, A.C., Goodbred, S.L., and Locker, S.D., 2005, The effect of climate and sea-level change on the development of a low-energy, mixed siliciclastic-carbonate, deltaic coastline: Suwannee River, FL: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 75. p. 621-635.

Brooks, G., Doyle, L.J., Suthard, B. C., Locker, S.D., and Hine, A.C., 2003. Facies architecture of the mixed carbonate/siliciclastic inner continental shelf of west-central Florida: Implications for Holocene barrier development. Marine Geology Special Publication, v. 200, p. 325-349.

Donahue, B., Hine, A.C., Locker, S.D., and Twichell, D. C., 2003, Tidal inlet/inner shelf transition and interaction: West-Central Florida. Marine Geology Special Publication, v. 200, p. 219-241, v. 200, p. 125-156.

 Duncan, D. S., Locker, S.D., Brooks, G.R., Hine, A.C., and Doyle, L.J., 2003. Mixed carbonate-siliciclastic infilling of a Neogene carbonate shelf valley system: Tampa Bay, west-central Florida. Marine Geology Special Publication, v. 200, p. 125-156.

 Edwards, J.H., Harrison, S.E., Locker, S.D., Hine, A.C., and Twichell, D.C., 2003. Stratigraphic framework of sediment-starved sand ridges on a mixed siliciclastic/carbonate inner shelf off west-central Florida. Marine Geology Special Publication, v. 200, p. 195-217. 

Harrison, S.E, Locker, S.D, Hine, A.C., Edwards, J. H., Naar, D.F., Twichell, D.C., and Mallinson, D.J., 2003.  Seafloor characteristics and process-response relationships of sediment starved sand ridges on a mixed carbonate/siliciclastic inner shelf off west-central Florida. Marine Geology Special Publication, v. 200, p. 171-194.

Hine, A.C., Brooks, G.R., Davis, R.A., Duncan, D.S., Locker, S.D., Twichell, D.C., and Gelfenbaum, G., 2003. The west-central Florida inner shelf and coastal system: a geologic conceptual overview and introduction to the special issue: Marine Geology Special Publication, v. 200, p. 1-17.

Locker, S.D., Hine, A.C., and Brooks, G. R., 2003.  Regional stratigraphic framework linking continental shelf and coastal sedimentary deposits of west-central Florida. Marine Geology Special Publication, v. 200, p. 351-378.

Berman, G.A., Naar, D.F., Hine, A.C., Brooks, G.R., Tebbens, S.F., Donahue, B.T., and Wilson, R., 2005, Geologic structure and hydrodynamics of Egmont Channel: An anomalous inlet at the mouth of Tampa Bay, Florida: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 21, no. 2, p. 331-357. 

Jarrett, B.D., Hine, A.C., Halley, R.B., Naar, D.F., Locker, S.D., Neumann, A.C., Twichell, D., Hu, C., Donahue, B.T., Palandro, D., and Jaap, W.C., 2005, Strange bedfellows—a deep hermatypic coral reef superimposed on a drowned barrier island; southern Pulley Ridge, SW Florida platform margin: Marine Geology, v. 214, p. 295-307. 

Hine, A.C., Halley, R.B., Locker, S.D., Jarrett, B.D., Jaap, W.C., Mallinson, D.J., Ciembronowicz, K. T., Ogden, N.B., Donahue, B.T., and Naar, D.F., 2009, Coral Reefs, Present and Past, on the West Florida Shelf and Platform Margin, In Riegl B. M., Dodge R.E., eds., Coral Reefs of the USA. Springer, p. 127-173.

Hine, A.C., Suthard, B., Locker, S.D., Cunningham, K.J., Duncan, D.D., Evans, M., and Morton, R.A., 2009, Karst Subbasins and Their Relation to the Transport of Tertiary Siliciclastic Sediments on the Florida Platform, In Swart, P.K.; Eberli, G.P., And McKenzie, J.A. (eds.), Perspectives in Sedimentary Geology: A Tribute to the Career of Robert N. Ginsburg, International Association of Sedimentologists Special Publication, 41, p. 179-197.

Hine, A.C., and Locker, S.D., 2011, The Florida Gulf of Mexico continental shelf—great contrasts and significant transitions, in, Buster, N.A., and Holmes, C.E., eds., Gulf of Mexico: Volume 3, Geology, Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies, Texas A&M University Press, p. 101-127.

Hine, A.C., 2013, Geologic history of Florida; major events that formed the sunshine state; Gainesville, FL ; University Press of Florida, 229p. 

Locker, S., Reed, J., Farrington, S., Harter, S., Hine, A., Dunn, S., 2016, Geology and Biology of the “Sticky Grounds,” Shelf-Margin Carbonate Mounds, and Mesophotic Ecosystem in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. Continental Shelf Research. V. 125, p. 71-87,

Hine, A.C., Chambers, D. P., Clayton, T.D., Hafen, M.R., and Mitchum, G.T., 2016, Sea level rise in Florida; science, impacts, and options; Gainesville, Fl; University Press of Florida, 179p. 

Hine, A.C., Martin, E.E., Jaeger, J.M., and Brenner, M., 2017, Paleoclimate of Florida, in, Chassignet, E. P., Jones, J.W., Misra V., and Obseysekera, J.,eds., Florida’s Climate; Changes, Variations, and Impacts: Florida Climate Institute, Gainesville, Fl, p. 457-484.

Haller, C., Hallock, P., Hine, A.C., and Smith, C., 2018, Benthic foraminifera from the Carnarvon Ramp reveal variability in Leeuwin Current activity (Western Australia) since the Pliocene; Marine Micropaleontology, v. 142, p. 25-39;

Reed, John K., Stephanie Farrington, Andy David, Stacey Harter, Shirley Pomponi, Cris Diaz, Joshua Voss, Keith D. Spring, Albert C. Hine, Villy Kourafalou, Ryan H. Smith, Ana C.Vaz, Claire B. Paris, M. Dennis Hanisak. 2019. Pulley Ridge, Gulf of Mexico, U.S.A., Chapter 4 in Mesophotic Reefs of the World, eds, K. Puglise, Y. Loya, Springer, pp. 57-69. Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute Contribution Number 2135.

Locker, SD and Hine AC, 2019. An overview of the geologic origins of hydrocarbons and production trends in the Gulf of Mexico. In Murawski, S. et al. (eds) Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills – Fighting the Next War. Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-12963-7 (due June-July2019)


David Naar, PhD – Publications (Students Advised in Bold)

Peer-Reviewed Publications, 2013.

  1. Mallinson, D., A. Hine, D. Naar, S. Locker, and B. Donahue, New perspectives on the geology and origin of the Florida Middle Ground carbonate banks, West Florida Shelf, USA, Marine Geology, Volume 355, 54–70,, 2014.
  2. Wall, C.C., P. Simard, M. Lindemuth, C. Lembke, D.F. Naar, C. Hu, B.B. Barnes, F.E. Muller-Karger, and D.A. Mann, Temporal and spatial mapping of red grouper (Epinephelus morio) sound production, Journal of Fish Biology. 85(5), 1469–1487, doi: 10.1111/jfb.12500, 2014.
  3. Kilborn, J.P., D.L. Jones, E.B. Peebles, and D.F. Naar, Resemblance profiles as clustering decision criteria: Estimating statistical power, error, and correspondence for a hypothesis test for multivariate structure, Ecology and Evolution 7:2039–2057, 2017.
  4. Rovere, A., P. Khanna, C.N. Bianchi, A.W. Droxler, C. Morri, and D.F. Naar, Submerged reef terraces in the Maldivian Archipelago (Indian Ocean), Geomorphology 317:218–322, 2018. https: 2018.05.026.
  5. Wang, M., C. Hu, J. Cannizzaro, D. English, X. Han, D. Naar, B. Lapointe, R. Brewton, and F. Hernandez, Remote Sensing of Sargassum Biomass, Nutrients, and Pigments, Geophys. Res. Lett. 45:12359–12,367, 2018. 10.1029/2018GL078858.
  6. Xie, S.,  J. Law, R. Russell, T.H. Dixon, C. Lembke, R. Malservisi, M. Rodgers, G. Iannaccone, S. Guardato, D.F. Naar, D. Calore, N. Fraticelli, J. Brizzolara, J.W. Gray, M. Hommeyer, and J. Chen, Seafloor Geodesy in Shallow Water with GPS on an Anchored Spar Buoy, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 124:12,116-12,140, 2019. 10.1029/2019JB018242.

Book Chapters 

  1. Naar, D.F., Microplates, an invited refereed article for the Encyclopedia of Earth System Science 3, 231–237, W. Nierenberg, Editor, Academic Press, San Diego, 1992.
  2. Wright, D.J., B.T. Donahue, and D.F. Naar, Seafloor mapping and GIS coordination in America’s Remotest national Marine Sanctuary (American Samoa), in Wright, D.J. (ed.), Undersea with GIS, ESRI Press, Redlands, California, p. 33–64, 2002.
  3. Naar, D.F., R. Hekinian, M. Segonzac, J. Francheteau, and the Pito Deep Dive Team (R. Armijo, J.-P. Cogne, M. Constantin, J. Girardeau, R.N. Hey, and R.C. Searle), Vigorous Venting and Biology at Pito Seamount, Easter Island, in Mid-Ocean Ridges: Hydrothermal Interactions Between the lithosphere and Oceans, edited by C. German, L.M. Parson, and J. Lin, AGU Geophys. Monograph 148, 305–318, 2004.
  4. Allee, R.J., A.W. David, and D.F. Naar, Ch. 30: Two Shelf Edge Marine Protected Areas in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. In Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: GeoHab Atlas of seafloor geomorphic features and benthic habitats. (Harris, P.T. and Baker, E.D., eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 435–448, ISBN: 978-0-12-385140-6, 2012.
  5. Wright, D.J., J.T. Roberts, D. Fenner, J.R. Smith, A.P. Koppers, D.F. Naar, E.R. Hirsch, L.W. Clift, and K.R. Hogrefe, Ch. 58: Seamounts, Ridges, and Reef Habitats of American Samoa. In Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: GeoHab Atlas of seafloor geomorphic features and benthic habitats. (Harris, P.T. and Baker, E.D., eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 791–806, ISBN: 978-0-12-385140-6, 2012.
  6. Mueller, M., J. Froeschke, and D. Naar, Chapter 13: Progressing from data to information: Incorporating GIS into coral and fisheries management, In Interrelationships between Corals and Fisheries, Chapter 13, CRC Press 2014, Ed. S. Bortone, ISBN:978-1-4665-8830-1, pages 237–252, 2014.
  7. Brizzolara, J.L., S.E. Grasty, A. Ilich, J.W. Gray, D.F. Naar, and S.A. Murawski, Characterizing benthic habitats in two Marine Protected Areas on the West Florida Shelf, GeoHab Atlas, in press, 2020.

Technical Reports & Non-Reviewed Publications

  1. Naar, D.F., R. Batiza, R. Poreda, and J.G. Schilling, Cruise Report for the R/V Melville GLORIA Expedition Legs 6 and 7: GLORIA and Geochemical Investigation of the Easter Seamount Chain, National Science Foundation, Washington D.C., 1993.
  2. Hoffman, D., and D. Naar, Mapping the ocean floor, 4 pp., SIO Associates Research Bulletin, D. Hoffman, Editor, La Jolla, 1993.
  3. Naar, D., Cruise Report for the R/V Suncoaster, 4–15 November SMAC Expedition, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, 1994.
  4. Naar, D., Cruise Report for the R/V Bellows, 11–13 September ELAC Test Cruise, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, 1995.
  5. Danobeitia, J.J., J.P. Canales, N. Vidal, J. Gallart, R.I. Carbonell, J. Diaz, M. Ferran, D.F. Naar, J. Francheteau, A.P. Slootweg, and G.A. Dehghani, Geophysical study along the Easter-Salas y Gomez volcanic Ridge (Southeast Pacific), Interridge News 4(1), 19–22, 1995.
  6. Mallinson, D.J., A.C. Hine, and D.F. Naar, “Support of the Research Activities of a Marine Engineering Institute”, and “Sediment Characteristics of Selected Coastal Environments”, ONR Grant N00014-94-1-0963, September 1996.
  7. Danobeitia, J.J., R.S. Detrick, M. Farran, D. Naar, R. Bartolome, E.E.E. Hooft, J.P. Canales, F. Estrada, J. Bonilla, D.H. Bonells, and P. Goyes, Geophysical investigation of ridge-hotspot interaction at the Galapagos spreading center, Interridge News 5 (2), 32–35, 1996.
  8. Bird, R.T., and D.F. Naar, Triple junction migration and plate boundary reorganization of the Juan Fernandez microplate, Annales Geophysicae 14, C194, 1996.
  9. Naar, D.F., Diving into the Ring of Fire, MOSI Magazine, Fall Edition, 8–9, 1997.
  10. Maia, M., R. Hekinian, D. Ackermand, A. Dehghani, P. Gente, D. Naar, J. O’Connor, K. Perrot, J. Phipps Morgan, G. Ramillien, S. Revillon, A. Sabetian, D. Sandwell, P. Stoffers, The Foundation Hotline Cruise: Past and present ridge-hotspot interaction zones in the South Pacific, InterRidge News 6 (3), 36, 1997.
  11. Naar, D.F., Cruise Report for the Ft. Lauderdale 100–500 kHz side-scan surveys of the Navy Test Range, November–December, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, 1998.
  12. Mallinson, D., A. Hine, D. Naar, G. Gelfenbaum, D. Wilson, Technical Report: ONR Grant N00014-96-1-5032, “Utilizing Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for Seafloor Mapping, Target Identification, and Predictive Model Testing”, 153 p., 2000.
  13. Naar, D.F., K. Johnson, D. Pyle, P. Wessel, R.A. Duncan, J. Mahoney, Cruise Report for Leg 6 of the Drift Expedition aboard the R/V Revelle operated by Scripps Institution of Oceanography for the NSF project: Assessing Hotspot Fixity in the Pacific Basin, National Science Foundation, Washington D.C., 2001–Paper document, Cdrom, and
  14. Naar, D.F., B.T. Donahue, G.A. Berman, M.L. McIntyre, S. Saleem, D. Wilder, B.D. Jarrett, B. Suthard, K. Ciembronowicz, and D.J. Mallinson, Multibeam sonar surveys of Egmont Deep and of sedimentary bedforms, limestone ledges, real and artificial reefs surrounding Florida, the Bahamas, and American Samoa, Coastal Sediments ’03 Manuscript in the Proceeding Volume (Cdrom) at the Fifth International Symposium on Coastal Engineering and Science of Coastal Sediment Processes, May 18–23, 2003, at Clearwater Beach, Association of Coastal Engineers (ACE), Paper VC-P12, pages 1–9, 2003.
  15. Halley, R.B., W.C. Japp, G. Mead, S. Earle, A.C. Hine, B. Jarrett, S.D. Locker, D.F. Naar, B. Donahue, G. D. Dennis, and D.C. Twitchell, Pulley Ridge–the US’s Deepest Coral Reef?, Proceedings of the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council Meeting on July 17, 3 pp., 2003.
  16. Lundblad, E.R., D.J. Wright, D.F. Naar, B.T. Donahue, J. Miller, E.M. Larkin, and R. Rinehart, Classifying Deep Water Benthic Habitats Around Tutuila, American Samoa, Manuscript in the Proceedings Volume of the August 2004 ESRI meeting in San Diego, California, paper number 1208, pages 1–20, 2004.
  17. Smith, W., and Abyss-Lite NRC Decadal Team, A radar altimeter for bathymetry, geodesy, and mesoscale oceanography, A mission concept submitted to the NRC Decadal Survey, June 16, 2005.
  18. Karson, J.A., J. Francheteau, J.S. Gee, K.M. Gillis, N.W. Hayman, R. Hékinian, R.N. Hey, S.D. Hurst, E.M. Klein, D.F. Naar, R.J. Varga, and Pito Deep 2005 Scientific Party, Nested-Scale Investigation of Tectonic Windows into Super-Fast Spread Crust Exposed at the Pito Deep Rift, Easter Microplate, SE Pacific, InterRidge News 14, 5–8, 2005.
  19. Cross, V.A., D.C. Twichell, R.B. Halley, K.T. Ciembronowicz, B.D. Jarrett, E.S. Hammar-Klose, A.C. Hine, S.D. Locker, and D.F. Naar, GIS Compilation of Data Collected from the Pulley Ridge Deep Coral Reef Region, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1089, DVD, 2005.
  20. Naar D.F. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information: multibeam bathymetry database (MBBDB), [USF1999-2009]. NOAA national centers for environmental information, National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA,, 2009.
  21. Miligan, L.J., 1Abigail Metcalfe,1 A. Metcalfe, L.K. Brooks, D. Scholtz, L.J. Scott, G.R. Foulger, D.F. Naar, J.H. Natland, E. Bonatti, The Easter – Salas y Gomez Volcanic Chain,, 2017.


Select CMS Seafloor Mapping and Explortation Research Cruises (1990-2019):

July-August, Side-scan, seismic reflection, and piston coring along the southern Florida Escarpment, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, chief scientist A. Hine, R/V Suncoaster.

November, Seismic reflection across the Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, chief scientist A. Hine, R/V Bellows.

June-July, GLORIA, Hydrosweep and routine marine geophysical data collection of the entire Juan Fernandez Microplate, Papeete-Valparaiso, chief scientist R. Larson,
R/V Ewing.

April-May, Columbus 2 expedition, Leg 1: 9 and 120 kHz side-scan sonar and bathymetry swath mapping (Sys 09) from Florida to the Yucatan Peninsula and then to the Virgin Islands, chief scientist D. Hussong, co-chief scientist D.F. Naar, R/V E.T.

May-June, Columbus 2 expedition, Leg 2. 9 and 120 kHz side-scan sonar and bathymetry swath mapping (Sys 09) from St. Thomas to the Canary Islands, across the mid-Atlantic Ridge near the Kane Fracture Zone, chief scientist D.F. Naar, R/V E.T.

September-October, TPC5 Expedition using Sys 09 side-scan and bathymetry system from Honolulu to Guam, chief scientist D.F. Naar, R/V Asia Maru.

March-May, 2 NSF Legs collecting new GLORI-B side-scan sonar and swath bathymetry data, routine marine geophysical data, and dredge samples along the fastest spreading segment of the East Pacific Rise and the Easter Seamount Chain, Easter Island-Valparaiso-Easter Island, chief scientist D.F. Naar on both Legs, R/V Melville.

July, Side-scan survey of The Tampa Bay Channel, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, chief scientist S. Locker, R/V Bellows.

August, Assessment survey of the Tampa Bay oil and phosphate spill near Mullet Key, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, chief scientist G. Vargo, R/V Suncoaster.

November, French submersible Nautile, investigation of the Pito Deep area, Easter Island-Easter Island, chief scientist J. Frencheteau, R/V Nadir.

March, Multichannel seismic reflection and refraction survey, Valparaiso- Easter Island, chief scientist J.J. Danobeitia, co-chief scientist D.F. Naar, B/O Hesperides.

August, Side-scan survey of the Gulf of Mexico shallow shelf region, Clearwater-Clearwater, chief scientist S. Harrison, co-chief scientist D.F. Naar, R/V Bullboat.

October, Multichannel seismic reflection and side-scan survey of West Florida platform, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, chief scientist S. Locker, R/V Suncoaster.

November, Chirp, side-scan survey and measurement of sediment physical properties at Boca Raton Beach, West Palm Beach-West Palm Beach, chief scientist D.F. Naar,
R/V Suncoaster.

June, Chirp, side-scan survey and measurement of sediment physical properties at Indian Rocks Beach, Egmont Key, and Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, chief scientist D. Mallinson, R/V Suncoaster.

July, ELAC Shallow water Bottom Chart Compact multibeam swath bathymetry test cruise at Indian rocks Beach and Egmont Key, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, chief scientists, D.F. Naar and S.E. Harrison, R/V Bellows.

March-April, Galapagos multibeam and gravity survey of the Galapagos spreading axis, Callao-Acapulco, chief scientist J. Danobeitia, B/O Hesperides.

May, Sand ridge survey west of Florida using ELAC multibeam, 100/500 kHz side-scan, and Delph single-channel seismics, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, chief scientist, D. Mallinson, R/V Bellows.

June, 100 KHz side-scan, sampling and Delph single-channel seismic survey along the southwestern edge of the Florida Platform, St. Petersburg – Key West – St. Petersburg, chief scientist D. Mallinson, R/V Suncoaster.

January-February, Simrad Survey of the Foundation Seamount Chain, Tahiti-Easter Island, chief scientist, M. Maia, R/V Atalante.

March, Methods in Geological Oceanography near Egmont Key, St. Petersburg – St. Petersburg, chief scientist, S. Tebbens, R/V Bellows.

March, Indian Rocks Beach, AUV side-scan of mines, St. Petersburg – St. Petersburg, co-chief scientist, D. Mallinson and M. Hafen, R/V Suncoaster.

April, Indian Rocks Beach, AUV side-scan of mines, St. Petersburg – St. Petersburg, co-chief scientist, D. Mallinson and M. Hafen, R/V Bellows.

May, Indian Rocks Beach, Transponder retrieval and bottom photography of inert mines, chief scientist, D. Mallinson, R/V Ooid.

June, Tampa Bay Test Cruise, St. Petersburg – St. Petersburg, chief scientist, A. Hine, R/V Price.

July, 100kHz side-scan and single-beam bathymetry survey of Tampa Bay entrance, Fort DeSoto – Fort DeSoto, chief scientist, B. Donahue, R/V Price.

November, 100kHz side-scan and single-beam bathymetry of Indian Rocks Beach area, St. Petersburg – St. Petersburg, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, R/V Bellows.

March-April, DSL-120 and Tow-Yo survey of the fastest seafloor spreading segment on Earth, Easter Island-Tahiti, chief scientist, R.N. Hey, R/V Melville.

November, Ft. Lauderdale 100 & 500 kHz side-scan survey of Navy Test Range, Ft. Lauderdale–Ft. Lauderdale, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, R/V Seadiver.

December, Ft. Lauderdale 100 & 500 kHz side-scan survey of Navy Test Range, Ft. Lauderdale–Ft. Lauderdale, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, R/V Suncoaster.

February, Sea trials of Simrad EM 3000, St. Petersburg–St. Petersburg, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, R/V Bellows.

February, Simrad 3000 multibeam survey of the ONR HyCODE and EcoHab test sites near Sarasota, St. Petersburg–St. Petersburg, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, R/V Bellows.

March, Simrad 3000 multibeam survey of selected sites near the mouth of Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg–St. Petersburg, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, R/V Bellows.

April, Simrad 3000 multibeam survey of the western extent of the south Florida Reef Tract, St. Petersburg–St. Petersburg, chief scientist, B. Jarrett, co-chief, D.F. Naar, R/V Bellows.

August, Simrad 3000 multibeam survey of Key Biscayne, Key Biscayne–Key Biscayne, chief scientists, D.F. Naar and M. Hansen, R/V Price.

September, Remapping Egmont Deep with Simrad 3000, St. Petersburg–St. Petersburg, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, R/V Bellows.

March, Simrad EM 3000 multibeam and geochemical SCUBA survey of the Ft. Myers Mudhole Submarine Springs, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, chief scientists, D.F. Naar and R.H. Byrne, R/V Suncoaster.

May, Simrad EM 3000 multibeam survey of Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas, Florida Keys, Artificial reef sites, and Naval dumpsites, St. Petersburg-Freeport-Lee Stocking-St. Petersburg, chief scientists, D.F. Naar and B. Donahue, R/V Suncoaster.

July, Simrad EM 3000 multibeam and 100 kHz side-scan survey in the Sarasota, Florida HyCODE (Hyperspectral Coastal Ocean Dynamic Experiment) study area during Optical remote sensing overflights, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, R/V Bellows.

August-September, Trans Global Network Segment 5, SYS-09 (9 kHz swath bathymetry and side-scan) Cable Route Survey, Astoria, Oregon, USA–Yokohama, Japan, chief geologist, D.F. Naar, R/V Moana Wave.

November, Simrad EM 3000 multibeam and 100 kHz side-scan survey in the Sarasota, Florida HyCODE (Hyperspectral Coastal Ocean Dynamic Experiment) study area during Optical remote sensing overflights, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, R/V Bellows.

December, Simrad EM 3000 multibeam survey of the Dania Beach area for the Florida Marine Research Institute, Nova University, and the South Florida Ocean Measurement Center, Dania Beach–Dania Beach, chief scientists, D.F. Naar and B. Donahue, R/V Price.

January, Simrad EM 120 multibeam test cruise, San Diego–San Diego, chief scientist, C. deMoustier, R/V Revelle.

March, Simrad EM 3000 multibeam survey of the Ft. Myers Mudhole Submarine Springs, shipwrecks, artificial reef site, Egmont Deep, and the Bayboro Harbor, St. Petersburg–St. Petersburg, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, R/V Suncoaster.

August, Simrad EM 3000 multibeam survey of the Dry Tortugas, St. Petersburg–St. Petersburg, chief scientist, D. Weaver (USGS), co-chief scientist D.F. Naar, R/V Bellows.

September, Simrad EM 3000 multibeam survey of Pulley Ridge, St. Petersburg–St. Petersburg, chief scientist, R. Halley (USGS), co-chief, A. Hine, R/V Suncoaster.

November–December, Simrad EM 120 and dredging survey of the Nazca Ridge and Easter Seamount Chain to assess hotspot fixity in the Pacific Basin, Callao, Peru–Easter Island, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, co-chiefs, K. Johnson, D. Pyle, P. Wessel. R/V Revelle.

March, Simrad EM 120 multibeam survey around Tutuila, American Samoa, Pago Pago–Pago Pago, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, co-chief D. Wright, R/V Revelle.

April, Simrad EM 3000 multibeam and geochemical SCUBA survey of the Ft. Myers Mudhole Submarine Springs, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, chief scientists, D.F. Naar and R.H. Byrne, R/V Suncoaster.

April, Simrad EM 3000 multibeam survey of the ONR Mine and Burial study area in water depths greater than 10 meters west of Indian Rocks Beach, St. Petersburg–St. Petersburg, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, co-chief, B. Donahue, R/V Suncoaster.

April-May, Simrad EM 3000 multibeam survey of Miller’s Ledge and Riley’s Hump south of the Dry Tortugas, St. Petersburg–Key West, chief scientists, D.F. Naar and D. Weaver, R/V Suncoaster.

June, Inspection and survey of the R/V Savannah in preparation for Simrad EM 3000 survey of the Oculina Bank, Savannah, Georgia, D.F. Naar and B. Donahue, R/V Savannah.

July, Simrad EM 3000 multibeam survey of Madison-Swanson and Twin Ridges in the NE Gulf of Mexico, St. Petersburg–Panama City–St. Petersburg, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, co-chief, B. Donahue, R/V Suncoaster.

November, Simrad EM 3000 multibeam survey of National Park and National Marine Sanctuary areas near American Samoa, Pago Pago–Pago Pago, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, co-chief, B. Donahue, M/V Lady Ann.

January-March, ONR Mine Burial and Scour Experiment West of Clearwater Beach, St. Petersburg–St. Petersburg (multiple legs), chief scientist, D.F. Naar, co-chiefs, B. Donahue, S. Locker, M. Richardson, R/V Suncoaster.

August, Vancouver Leg 12 (VANC12MV): Mobilization and Shakedown Cruise of EM 3000 installation , Darwin, Australia – Cairns, Australia, D.F. Naar, chief scientist, B. Donahue, co-chief scientist, R/V Melville.

April-May, Second Leg of EM3000 multibeam mapping of the Fly River Delta, Papua New Guinea, Cairns–Port Moresby–Cairns (multiple legs), chief scientists, A. Ogstron, C. Nittrouer, R/V Melville.

October, Simrad EM 3000 multibeam mapping of the Florida Middle Grounds and Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg–St. Petersburg, chief scientist D.F. Naar, co-chief, B. Donahue, R/V Suncoaster.

January-March, Alvin, Jason, DSL120 investigation of crustal structure at Pito Deep, Easter Island–Tahiti, J. Karson, Ch. Sci., co-chiefs, D. F. Naar, R. Hey, and E. Klein,
R/V Atlantis.

July-August 2005: Land Support for 3 NOAA legs of the R/V Suncoaster EM 3000 Multibeam survey of Florida Middle Ground and NW Florida Shelf Edge Corridor and Fill-In areas, St. Petersburg–St. Petersburg, chief scientist B. Donahue, R/V Suncoaster.

August, 2005: Hull-Mounted EM3002 Sea Trial and scour investigation of Artificial Reefs, Ancona–Ancona, Italy, chief scientist, G. Fabi, R/V Ismar.

February, Hull-Mounted EM3002 Sea Trial and EM3000 Comparison, Horten–Horten, Norway, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, R/V Simrad.

July, Completion of mapping and sampling the Florida Middle Ground HAPC and nearby areas using Simrad EM 3000 multibeam sonar, St. Petersburg–St. Petersburg, Florida, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, co-chief, B. Donahue, R/V Suncoaster.

February, Multibeam Mapping of Northern Pulley Ridge Paleo-shoreline, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, Florida, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, co-chief, B. Donahue, R/V Suncoaster.

March, Multibeam Mapping Transects South of Panama City Beach, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, Florida, chief scientist, D. F. Naar, co-chief, B. Donahue, R/V Suncoaster.

November, Multibeam Mapping of Southwestern Pulley Ridge Area, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, Florida, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, co-chief, B. Donahue, R/V Suncoaster.

December, Multibeam Mapping Additional transects south of Panama City Beach, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, Florida, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, co-chief, B. Donahue, R/V Suncoaster.

August, Multibeam Mapping of Coral Reef Slope Collapse surrounding Male, Republic of the Maldives, Male-Male, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, co-chief B. Donahue, R/V ERC.

April, Multibeam Mapping of Sambo Key, Key West, and Pulley Ridge, St. Petersburg-Key West- St. Petersburg, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, co-chief, B. Donahue, R/V Weatherbird II.

August, Multibeam Mapping of Pulley Ridge, St. Petersburg-St. Petersburg, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, co-chief, B. Donahue, R/V Weatherbird II.

October-November, Kongsberg EM 710 (70-100 kHz) multibeam bathymetry and backscatter survey of Deep Corals surrounding Florida along the shelf slope, Pascagoula–Pascagoula, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, R/V Lost Coast Explorer.

May, Reson 7125 (200-400 kHz) multibeam bathymetry and backscatter survey offshore of Panama City Beach, Panama City Beach- Panama City Beach, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, R/V SEAS.

September, Reson 7125 (200-400 kHz) Mobilization and Sea Trial in Tampa Bay, chief scientist, C. Lembke, co-chief, D.F. Naar.

May, NSF REU FIO Demonstration Cruise using Reson Dual-head Seabat Multibeam (200-400 kHz), EK-80, CTD, Rosette, in Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, St. Petersburg–St. Petersburg, chief scientist, D.F. Naar, R/V Hogarth.