Comit Happenings

Stella and Sam: a pair of gliders on a mission

Stella and Sam: a pair of gliders on a mission

Earlier this month (laboring through Labor Day weekend), staff and students from the Center for Ocean Mapping and Innovative Technologies (COMIT) at the USF College of Marine Science (CMS) sailed aboard the R/V WT Hogarth to collect data in support of a potpourri of...

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LIFE at sea

LIFE at sea

We are in a self-contained vessel and all around us is the greatest source of life on Earth — the balancing force of weather and what makes our planet livable — our Oceans. However, this situation is actually a great paradox.

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Setting Sail into the World of Ocean Mapping and Hydrography

Setting Sail into the World of Ocean Mapping and Hydrography

Aside from getting research experience in a different field, I also wanted to do something so out of my comfort zone and prove to myself that I am capable of such things. And when I say, “out of my comfort zone”, I mean it. This was my first research cruise ever in a topic I knew practically nothing about.

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Charting off Charleston: Contributing to NOAA Marine Mapping on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf

Charting off Charleston: Contributing to NOAA Marine Mapping on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf

I had not been to Charleston in some 10 years and was struck by the street flooding caused by a mere high tide from a near-full moon the night of our arrival. Though we would be mapping offshore, seeing this underpinned the importance of mapping, especially in the coastal environment which has been increasingly impacted by events such as regular flooding due to sea level rise.

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