Accuracy of SeaWiFS Ocean Color Products
On the Accuracy of SeaWiFS Ocean Color Data Products on the West Florida Shelf
Traditional field bases science surveys for large scale regions is both costly and time consuming. An alternative is to use satellite-based data products for ocean measurements. In this study, measurements of water-leaving radiance and chlorophyll-a concentrations were collected during two multiyear cruise programs and compared to the SeaWiFS standard data products. The SeaWiFS Chla-a values are significantly higher than in situ measurements in nearshore waters where there is significant freshwater discharge (CDOM loading), HAB, wind-driven sediment resuspension, and bottom reflectance. SeaWiFS Chl-a measurements beyond the 20-m isobaths were reliable, but they were consistently overestimated inshore of the 10-m isobaths.
Ref: Jennifer P. Cannizzaro, Chuanmin Hu, Kendall L. Carder, Christopher R. Kelble, Nelson Melo, Elizabeth M. Johns, Gabriel A. Vargo, and Cynthia A. Heil (2013) On the Accuracy of SeaWiFS Ocean Color Data Products on the West Florida Shelf. Journal of Coastal Research: Volume 29, Issue 6: pp. 1257 – 1272.