C-IMAGE Professional Development Workshops
Scientists sometimes lose their audiences in the details of their research. This workshop focused on telling a story about science and connecting with the audience rather than just explaining the facts. Participants practiced skills used in communicating with the general public, media, and through social media outlets to strengthen their message about their research.The workshop welcomed researcher from GoMRI, C-IMAGE, Carthe, ECOGIG, DeepC, Center for Ocean Leadership, Florida Institute of Oceanography, and LUMCON. ‘What’s your why?’ was the driving question behind the second science communication workshop. Rather than explaining what research is performed, participants focused on the personal story behind their research and what motivates them to continually ask challenging questions about oil spill research. Te workshop hosted students from the C-IMAGE, DEEPEND, Recover, and Carthe consortia. The goal of this workshop was to familiarize early career scientists with identifying funding opportunities, both public and private foundations, and prepare a research topic to potentially apply for funding. The workshop was led by researchers with two views of the application process, what should be included when writing, and what is evaluated when reviewing funding applications. The workshop welcomed researchers from the C-IMAGE, Recover, ECOGIG, and DeepC consortia. 2013 Storytelling Workshop – Hosted by Ari Daniel Shapiro (@mesoplodon)
2016 Science Communication Workshop – Hosted by Julia Kumari Drapkin (@juliakumari)
2017 Proposal Writing Workshop – Hosted by Kelly Kryc