Using MODIS and MERIS to detect seeps
In search of oil seeps in the Cariaco basin using MODIS and MERIS medium resolution data
The Cariaco basin with its high sedimentation rates and active faulting make it a favorable place for active oil seeps to occur. Information on the number of seeps or their locations does not exist in the literature. Data collected from the MODIS and MERIS sensors were examined to see if they could detect oils seeps in the Cariaco basin. MODIS was able to detect 2 regions of surface slicks in 2011, however, identifying where they came from is more complicated. By identifying multiple slicks from the same region, Chen and Hu determiend that they can be traced to the same location. These sensors can be used to conservatively estimate the number of slicks as long as they are at least 3 pixels in length on the image.